Dear Jennifer,
Join ECD Striders in their walk to fight againist Breast Cancer on Sunday, October 16, 2011 at Military Park, Newark, NJ @ 7am. Connect with Survivors and great folks who are supporting this cause. It is also a time of celebration!
Be sure to wear comfortable shoes for the 3 mile walk and dress in layers. The day often starts cool and warms up.
On Site- Activities include Survivors Tent, Advocacy Petition, DJ, Souvenir Shop, Music and Much, Much More!
ANY OTHER STRIDES QUESTIONS? Call (973) 802-1002 ext. 3663
If you have not registered, it not too late. Please click on the link and register. Refer a friend or colleague. See you there!
Sharon Smith, Community Organizer
Clinton Hill Community Resource Center
a division of Episcopal Community Development, Inc. (ECD)
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