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Invisible No More at NYU, Nov. 22, 2011

Invisible No More:
Understanding the Disenfranchisement of
Latino Men and Boys
Book Launch
Tuesday, Nov 22, 2011 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm
New York University Kimmel Center
Rosenthal Pavilion, 10th Floor
Join the editors of this groundbreaking new book for an interactive conversation and multi-media presentation concerning the challenges facing Latino males in contemporary American society.
Register Here: http://invisiblenomorenyu.eventbrite.com

Invisible No More: Understanding the Disenfranchisement of Latino Men & Boys
Latino men and boys in the United States are confronted with a wide variety of hardships that are not easily explained or understood. They are populating prisons, dropping out of high school, and are becoming overrepresented in the service industry at alarming degrees. Young Latino men, especially, have among the lowest wages earned in the country, a rapidly growing rate of HIV/AIDS, and one of the highest mortality rates due to homicide. Although there has been growing interest in the status of men in American society, there is a glaring lack of research and scholarly work available on Latino men and boys.
This groundbreaking interdisciplinary volume, edited by renowned scholars Pedro Noguera, AĆ­da Hurtado and Edward Fergus addresses the dearth of scholarship and information about Latino men and boys to further our understanding of the unique challenges and obstacles that they confront during this historical moment. The contributors represent a cross section of disciplines from health, criminal justice, education, literature, psychology, economics, labor, sociology and more. By drawing attention to the sweeping issues facing this segment of the population, this volume offers research and policy a set of principles and overarching guidelines for decreasing the invisibility and thus the disenfranchisement of Latino men and boys.
To Register, please visit: http://invisiblenomorenyu.eventbrite.com Seats are filling up fast, so don’t delay!

Moderated by:
Sandra Guzman

Ms. Guzman is an Emmy award winning television and multi-media journalist, the former editor in chief of Latina magazine, and the author of The New Latina’s Bible: The Modern Latina’s Guide to Love, Spirituality, Family and La Vida

Featuring Editors:

Pedro Noguera
Dr. Noguera is Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at New York University
Aida Hurtado
Dr. Hurtado is Professor and Luis Leal Endowed Chair in the Chicana and Chicano Studies Department at University of California, Santa Barbara
Edward Fergus
Dr. Fergus is Deputy Director of the Metropolitan Center for Urban Education at New York University
In addition, some of the contributing authors and a few special guests will be joining in the conversation as well.

“This urgent book, masterfully compiled by Noguera, Hurtado and Fergus, paints a nuanced portrait of the lives of the men and boys of America’s fastest growing ethnicity in their full and rich complexity; their struggles and travails, hopes and dreams. This is an indispensable book, required reading for anyone concerned with the country our children will inherit.”
Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, Ross University Professor at New York University, and co-author of Latinos: Remaking America
“Essential reading for anyone seeking to pierce the veil that distorts and obscures the realities of Latino men and boys. Impressive in scope, ranging from education opportunities, to homophobia, to the loneliness that attends boys’ passage into manhood. Excellent and bracing and important”
– Junot Diaz, award-winning author of Drown and The Brief and Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao
This event is free of charge and open to the public.
Copies of the book will be available for sale at the event
Light refreshments will be served
The Metropolitan Center for Urban Education is a comprehensive center that focuses on educational research, policy, and practice. The Metro Center acts as a partner and resource at the local and national levels in strengthening and improving access, opportunity, and the quality of education in our schools. Our mission is to target issues related to educational equity by providing leadership and support to students, teachers, parents, administrators, and policymakers.

Metropolitan Center for Urban Education
726 Broadway 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003
212 998 5100 (phone) | 212 995 4199 (fax)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2011/11/21/invisible-no-more-at-nyu-nov-22-2011/