

Dec 19

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$3,000 Library challenge and PNL update

“What are you reading?”,
Here is a challenge that can net our Newark Public Library $3,000!

Councilman Ramos is part of a challenge to give $3000 libraries.


– The town that gets the most uploads will receive a $1,000 donation from each of the sponsors for their City Library.

Heidi Lynn Cramer

The Newark Public Library

5 Washington Street

Newark, NJ 07102



973.733.8539 (fax)

Be sure to visit our website and check the blog regularly for updates You can leave a comment or email us.
Website address http://www.preservenewarklibraries.org Blog address http://preservenewarklibraries.org/w
Claudine Royal Chairperson PreserveNewarkLibraries.org croyal@preservenewarklibraries.org 973-757-0027 “advocacy, activism, accountability”

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2011/12/19/3000-library-challenge-and-pnl-update/