

Feb 20

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Inclusion Resources: UDL, Teleconference, Videos & More

START Project: Reaching All Families

Together Families Can Make A Difference

Vol. 1 Issue 2

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Family-Educator Collaboration
Inclusion Mini Conferences
Making A Difference In the Education of African American & Latino Children with Special Needs
Inclusion Teleconference Recording Available
Free Webinar Series on Family, School & Community Engagement
High School Student Leadership Conference
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START Project Events & News

Family-Educator Collaboration
Family-Educator Collaboration Cramer College, Camden, NJ
Family-Educator Collaboration

Cramer College Preparatory Lab School, Camden, NJ

Families and Educators Working Together

The START Project Team presented the Family-Educator Collaboration  workshop in over ten districts around the state in 2011.  Deborah Lynam, Parent Group Specialist and Cecilia Raubertas, Bi-lingual Parent Group Specialist, presented the training in English and Spanish for families and educators at Cramer College Preparatory Lab School in Camden. Parent Tools and Resources.

Inclusion Mini Conferences
Success for ALL Students: Universal Design for Learning
Success for ALL Students:

Universal Design for Learning

The START Project Inclusion Mini-Conference, Success for All Students: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) took place in October in both Cherry Hill and Perth Amboy. In Cherry Hill over 90 families and educators heard from teams implementing UDL in Deptford and Lindenwold School Districts.  In Perth Amboy we heard from Palisades Park and the Perth Amboy School District.

UDL is a research-based framework used to enable ALL children to gain knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for learning. During this mini-conference, families of children with disabilities learned about UDL and ways that this approach can help their children achieve success in the general education classroom.


Download UDL Resource list


“Yesterday was a good conference, parents really enjoyed and learned new things. A parent, who has a Learning Disability, cried all the way home. She told us how she never finished junior high school, and receiving the certificate was one of the most important things she ever earned in her life. She said she was calling up her son’s teacher and will ask about teaching her son math in a new way. “- A parent from Pleasantville


“What a wonderful conference your organization hosted on Saturday in Cherry Hill. I’ve already contacted the head of the child study team in my local school district, and will be sitting down with him to discuss UDL.  I’m really excited about doing whatever I can to spread the word on what a beautiful approach to education UDL represents.” – A parent from Ocean City High school


Listen to what Families had to say about the conference


Listen to what educators had to say about the conference

Making A Difference!

In the Education of African American & Latino Children with Special Needs 

Nineteen parents and professionals completed the SPAN Resource Parent Training Series in Lakewood, NJ in November of 2011. The Training Program prepared parents of children with disabilities and community partners, as volunteers to support local families in exercising their rights and responsibilities under federal and state special education and early intervention laws. This comprehensive training series, coupled with ongoing support from SPAN staff helps to increase the community’s capacity to serve children with special needs.  For assistance to start and run special education parent groups for families who are primarily Spanish speaking contact our Bi-Lingual Parent Group Specialist, Cecilia Raubertas.

Inclusion Teleconference Recording Available Kids hands togetherMeeting the Needs of All Learner: Including Students with Disabilities in the General Education Clasroom with Featured Speaker: Angela Durso, Recently Retired Director of Special Services, Perth Amboy School District


Teleconference participants had this to say:

“I enjoyed listening to how in-class resource and an inclusion model can work.”

“I learned what to do in my next IEP meeting”

“I learned that parents need to continually talk to school district personnel and develop meaningful inclusion programs and then continually evaluate their childrens’ performances based on data.”


Click here to listen to a recording of the teleconference

Information and Resources

Free Webinar Series on Family, School and Community Engagement
The Achieving Excellence and Innovation in Family, School, and Community Engagement webinar series is an opportunity for stakeholders representing national, regional, and local organizations to learn about family, school, and community engagement research, best practices from the field, and new innovations that are making a difference in school improvement and student learning.

High School  Student Leadership Conference

Dare to Dream in 2012
High School Student Leadership Conference

Dare to Dream Student Leadership conferences promote student self-advocacy and leadership skills. NJ youth with disabilities aged 14-21, their families and school districts are encouraged to participate in this annual positive and empowering experience sponsored by the NJ Office of Special Education. Conference details and registration

Contact Us For Info or Assistance

Assistance is available through the START Project at SPAN to enhance family engagement to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. The START Project is focusing its efforts this year on enhancing family engagement in schools and districts in need of improvement and reaching families that have been underserved. Contact the START Project for assistance at 1-800-654-SPAN (ext. 123) or by email.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/02/20/inclusion-resources-udl-teleconference-videos-more/