Jan 06

Newark City Council issues rebuke for racial slurs

Published: Thursday, January 05, 2012,  8:58 PM     Updated: Friday, January 06, 2012,  7:38 AM
David Giambusso/The Star-Ledger By David Giambusso/The Star-LedgerThe Star-Ledger

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newark-councilman-ron-rice.JPGStar-Ledger file photoNewark West Ward Councilman Ron Rice, shown in this file photo, sponsored the motion to reprimand East Ward political boss Joseph Parlavecchio.

NEWARK — The Newark City Council reprimanded East Ward political boss Joseph Parlavecchio today, months after FBI surveillance tapes revealed him making racist comments.

“We’re asking the Democratic National Committee, we’re asking the state Democratic Committee, we’re asking the Essex County Democratic committee to reprimand him or censure him or both,” said West Ward Councilman Ron Rice, who sponsored the motion.

In 2006, Parlavecchio was taped discussing Newark minority contracts with disgraced demolition giant Nicholas Mazzocchi. The tapes were played in September at the corruption trial of former deputy mayor Ronald Salahuddin. When he referred to convicted contractor Sonnie Cooper, he used a racial epithet referring to African Americans.

“Cooper transitioned nice from (expletive) Sharpe to this guy,” Parlavecchio said, referring to former Mayor Sharpe James and Mayor Cory Booker. “For one reason, he’s a (racial epithet).”

Along with Rice, council members Mildred Crump, Darrin Sharif, Luis Quintana, Carlos Gonzalez and Council President Donald Payne voted to censure Parlavecchio. Councilmen Augusto Amador and Ras Baraka were absent from the vote.

“After thinking about it a lot and talking to a number of progressive Dems around the state, I thought we needed to say something on the council,” Rice said after today’s meeting. “This is a guy who many of us have worked with over the years.”

Parlavecchio is closely tied to Amador and played a role in Booker’s two mayoral campaigns. Booker declined to comment.

“Even though I do not approve of that type of behavior, Joe Parlavecchio was my friend yesterday and continues to be my friend today,” Amador said.

Parlavecchio could not be reached for comment.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/newark-city-council-issues-rebuke-for-racial-slurs/

Jan 06




 Seniors will celebrate the New Year with a countdown and noisemakers at Noon


Newark, NJ – January 6, 2012 – Acting Child and Family Well-Being Director L’Tanya Williamson and the City of Newark Department of Child and Family Well-Being’s Office on Aging will host a New Year’s celebration for approximately 150 senior citizens from Newark’s four Senior Citizen Centers, on Friday, January 6, at 10:30 a.m., at the South Ward Senior Citizen Center, which is located at 731 Clinton Avenue.


Many seniors do not get the opportunity to ring in the New Year with a party, and are often alone while the rest of the world celebrates. The South Ward Center event will include a countdown and noisemakers. The countdown will take place at Noon.


WHO:             Acting Child and Family Well-Being Director L’Tanya Williamson and the City of Newark Department of Child and Family Well-Being’s Office on Aging.


WHAT:          Will host a New Year’s Celebration for 150 participants of Newark’s four Senior Citizen Centers.


WHEN:          Friday, January 6, 2012.

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WHERE:        South Ward Senior Citizen Center

731 Clinton Avenue



For more information, contact the Press Information Office – (973) 733-8004.

E-mail: Pressoffice@ci.newark.nj.us




For more information on the City of Newark, please visit our website at www.ci.newark.nj.us


Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/cityofnewarknj



Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/city-of-newark-to-host-new-years-party-for-150-seniors-on-friday-january-6-at-1030-a-m-at-south-ward-senior-citizen-center-at-731-clinton-avenue/

Jan 06

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/newark-housing-authority-2012-scholarship-fund/

Jan 06

Columbia University Summer Program–stipend of $3500

———- Forwarded message ———-
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Subject: Columbia University Summer Program

Good Morning,
Please find attached information from Columbia University regarding a
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Joseph Sellman


Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/columbia-university-summer-program-stipend-of-3500/

Jan 06


For Immediate Release




Free Saturday day trips offer skiing classes for Newark youth aged 7 through 20


Newark, NJ R11; January 5, 2012  Mayor Cory A. Booker, Director of Neighborhood and Recreational Services Tharien Karim Arnold, and Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation Executive Director Linda Watkins-Brashear announced today that the City of Newark’s Division of Recreation/ Cultural Affairs and the Newark Watershed are partnering to offer free Saturday ski trips to Newark residents aged 7 to 20 starting Saturday, January 7, 2012, and continuing to Saturday, March 10, 2012. The free day trips to the Hidden Valley Ski Club, in Verona, New Jersey, will leave from different recreation centers each Saturday at 8:30 a.m., and return back to the City of Newark by 5:30 p.m. A list of departure sites and dates is given below.

 Our Skiing Program is another wonderful recreational activity, which gives Newark youth an opportunity to expand their mental and physical horizons by learning a new sport, making new friends, and discovering their own personal excellence,R21; Mayor Booker said. R20;I urge all Newark youth to strap on their skis and join us at the slopes at Hidden Valley Ski Club.


The program operates for two age groups: ages 7 to 14 and ages 15 to 20, teaching age-appropriate techniques and skills, in a setting that fosters cooperative peer group skiing.


The Skiing Program is one of our innovative efforts to engage our youth, and I am proud of how our recreation team has created and operated this program, working with the Watershed and the Hidden Valley Ski Club to offer Newark residents this activity,R21; said Director Arnold. R20;I congratulate the Recreation team on this program.


Persons going on the program are required to bring gloves or mittens, and a hat. They should also wear long underwear, a turtleneck or fleece sweater, ski socks, ski pants, and a neck gaiter or muffler. They should also bring hand and foot warmers, lip balm, and sunscreen/wind block. Ski pants and jackets should be insulated and waterproof. It is recommended that all participants dress in layers.


The program is funded in large part by the Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation, which is covering the costs of two additional staff members and the fees for the costs of the classes at the Hidden Valley Ski Club.

R20;The Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corporation is proud to continue its management efforts for all of the Camp Watershed programs, and we are particularly proud of those that provide our urban youth with opportunities to gain new skills and broaden their horizons,R21; said Executive Director Watkins-Brashear.

The program is open to Newark residents only, and they should apply two weeks in advance of a given trip to be able to get on the bus. Applicants must provide completed application forms, immunization records, and proof of residency to the Division of Recreation/Cultural Affairs, located at 94 William Street, Newark, New Jersey, 07102, or to any City Recreation Center. Application forms are available at all Recreation Centers and at the office of the Division of Recreation/Cultural Affairs. Applications are also available by calling the Newark Camp Watershed Office at (973) 697-9018 or by e-mailing Camp Director Valerie James at jamesv@ci.newark.nj.us.

For more information, contact the Division of Recreation/Cultural Affairs at (973) 733-6454.  For information on all other City of Newark programs and policies, contact the Non-Emergency Call Center at (973) 733-4311.




Contact:         Newark Press Information Office: (973) 733-8004

E-mail: Pressoffice@ci.newark.nj.us



About the City of Newark, New Jersey


Newark, commonly referred to as Brick City, is the third oldest city in the United States and the largest in New Jersey, with a population of more than 280,000 people. Newark sits on one of the nation’s largest transportation super-structures including an international airport, major commuter and freight rail lines, major highway intersections and the busiest seaport on the east coast.

With a new Administration as of July 2006, Newark continues to see signs of a strong revival. Its population showed growth in the most recent census. Its six major colleges and universities are further expanding their presence. The rate of production of affordable housing has doubled, and new businesses are moving in. There is still much work to be done but Newark is on its way to achieving its mission: to set a national standard for urban transformation.


For more information on the City of Newark, please visit our website at www.ci.newark.nj.us


Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/cityofnewarknj

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Departure times: 8:30 a.m.


Return times: 5:30 p.m.


            Date                            Ward                          Departure Site


Saturday, January 7                Central            JFK Center, 211 West Kinney Street


Saturday, January 14              South               St. PeterR17;s Center, 378 Lyons Avenue


Saturday, January 21              West                Boylan Street Center, 916 South Orange Ave.


Saturday, January 28              North               Rotunda Center, 75 Clifton Avenue


Saturday, February 4              East                 Ironbound Recreation Center, 226 Rome Street


Saturday, February 11            Central            JFK Center


Saturday, February 18            South               St. PeterR17;s Center


Saturday, February 25            West                Boylan Street Center


Saturday, March 3                  North               Rotunda Center


Saturday, March 10                East                 Ironbound Center




Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/city-of-newark-and-watersheds-winter-ski-program-hits-the-slopes/

Jan 06

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/mcdonalds-gospelfest-2012-auditions-are-coming-2/

Jan 06


For Immediate Release




Program result of two-year-long traffic study and community meetings


Newark, NJ R11; January 5, 2012 – Mayor Cory A. Booker, West Ward Council Member Ronald C. Rice, and Engineering Director Mehdi Mohammadish announced today that the City is moving forward on a traffic calming project for the West Ward that will see speed humps, rumble strips, and other measures installed on 43 streets. The program is the result of a two-year-long study of traffic patterns in the West Ward and meetings with the community to assess their traffic concerns and needs.


R20;Public safety is my administrationR17;s highest priority, and that is about more than eradicating crime from our neighborhoods,R21; Mayor Booker said. R20;It is also about creating a safer environment and a higher quality of life for all of our residents. It is about solving problems and addressing needs. It is about making our streets safe for motorists and pedestrians alike.R21;


R20;The West Ward Traffic Calming Initiative represents the greatest speed calming effort for one ward in the history of the city of Newark. I am grateful to President Obama’s stimulus funding of the project, Mayor Booker, Mehdi Mohammadish, and Jack Nata for supporting my plans for the ward and the residents and block groups in the West Ward Block Federation for making this a reality. This is an example of local government enhancing safety for our residents and keeping promises,R21; said Council Member Rice.


According to Division of Traffic and Signals Manager Jack Nata, Council Member Rice spent one year holding monthly community meetings to identify problem areas and come up with a list of streets that would be included in this project. Once those 43 streets were identified, the Department of Engineering retained the Birdsall Services Group to conduct studies of the streets, using automatic traffic recorders to record volumes and speed along the streets previously identified. The consulting group also conducted field inspections of the roadways in the study area to include existing roadway geometry, traffic control, adjacent land uses, and access to properties. It then analyzed the travel speed, volumes, and roadway characteristics of each street, and prepared a report that outlined strategies to address the identified issues, along with assessing the cost of addressing them.


R20;We committed to providing our residents with the safest roads possible,R21; said Director Mohammadish. R20;We were able to proceed with this project with the support and input of the West Ward community. I commend our Engineering team and our consultants on their hard work, dedication, and professionalism, in launching this project, which will be a model for similar initiatives in our other wards.R21;


So far, the Department has completed 15 speed humps, four corner bump-outs, and one mid-block crosswalk in this program, all installed in December 2011. Future work will involve the creation of 46 speed humps, rumble strips at 97 sites, along with new pavement markings throughout the West Ward. The project cost is $589,875, which is funded through the DepartmentR17;s capital budget. A list of completed sites is attached.


Under the Booker administration, the Department of Engineering has begun a vigorous program of improving the CityR17;s infrastructure. The City of Newark is close to completing the largest park expansion and rehabilitation initiative in more than a century. On July 28, 2009, Newark opened Nat Turner Park, the largest city-owned park. Through public-private partnerships, the City was able to secure $40 million for the parks initiative, in collaboration with GreenSpaces, a public/private partnership, and the Trust for Public Land. Thus far, the City has completed new parks and fields at St. PeterR17;s Park, Kasberger Field, Boys Park, First Street and Thomas Silk Parks, Ironbound B Field, and, in cooperation with Newark Public Schools, has built a new athletic complex at Weequahic High School.  Parks have been renovated in every ward throughout the City.


In May 2008, the Department of Engineering won the New Jersey Concrete CommitteeR17;s Merit Award in the Decorative Category for the first phase of the Broad Street Streetscaping, which saw massive renovations to denote the historic nature of the historic R20;Four CornersR21; intersection at Broad and Market Streets. The project reconstructed sidewalks, created fence panels, installed new street furniture and traffic lights to promote pedestrian safety.


In November 2009, the Department won the New Jersey Society of Municipal Engineers Honor Place Award in the Municipal Construction Management Projects R20;FR21; Category for the first phase of the Ferry Street Streetscaping Project. The $1.9 million project, funded by the City of Newark and the New Jersey Department of Transportation, was a partnership with the Ironbound Business Improvement District, designed to enhance the IronboundR17;s central artery and gateway to businesses and restaurants in the East Ward, as well as improve safety conditions for pedestrians crossing the busy thoroughfares. Under the program, state-of-the-art sidewalks with planters and decorative lighting were placed down Ferry Street from Union to Madison Streets. These sidewalks improved safety for motorists and pedestrians. The project also reconstructed sidewalks, utilities and drainage, created fence panels and utilized already existing bike paths. New street furniture, signage and traffic lights also enhanced safety for pedestrians.


The Department of Engineering has also undertaken a number of pedestrian safety improvements, highlighted by R20;Project Red Light,R21; a partnership with the Police Department, the Municipal Court, and RedFlex Systems. This automated photo enforcement system snaps pictures of license plates of cars that run red lights at key intersections and automatically sends tickets to the carsR17; owners. Operating since December 2009, this system has made these intersections safer for both motorists and pedestrians.


The Department has also launched a comprehensive rehabilitation of the CityR17;s Recreation centers, Police precincts, firehouses, and other facilities. At the same time, the Department of Engineering has opened new repair facilities for City-owned vehicles, added environmentally-friendly electric cars to its motor fleet, launched green initiatives, and is continuing the restoration of historic City Hall.


For information on all City of Newark programs and policies, contact the Non-Emergency Call Center at (973) 733-4311.




Contact:          Newark Press Information Office – (973) 733-8004

or PressOffice@ci.newark.nj.us

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For more information on the City of Newark, please visit our website at www.ci.newark.nj.us


Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/cityofnewarknj


About the City of Newark, New Jersey

Newark, commonly referred to as Brick City, is the third oldest city in the United States and the largest in New Jersey, with a population of more than 280,000 people. Newark sits on one of the nationR17;s largest transportation super-structures including an international airport, major commuter and freight rail lines, major highway intersections and the busiest seaport on the east coast.


With a new Administration as of July 2006, Newark continues to see signs of a strong revival. Its population showed growth in the most recent census. Its six major colleges and universities are further expanding their presence. The rate of production of affordable housing has doubled, and new businesses are moving in. There is still much work to be done but Newark is on its way to achieving its mission: to set a national standard for urban transformation.




32 Palm Street


55 Palm Street


108 Palm Street


46 Brookdale Avenue


142 Brookdale Avenue


180 Alexander Street


149 Alexander Street


107 Alexander Street


64 Alexander Street


43 Isabella Avenue


120 Isabella Avenue


72 Columbia Avenue


144 Columbia Avenue


49 South Munn Avenue


121 South Munn Avenue




13th Avenue and South 8th Street


13th Avenue and South 9th Street


13th Avenue and South 10th Street


13th Avenue and South 11th Street




142 Mount Vernon Place

(In front of Mt. Vernon School)


Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/city-of-newark-launches-traffic-calming-project-in-west-ward/

Jan 06


For Immediate Release




Dog owners must present vaccination records when applying for licenses


Newark, NJ – January 4, 2012 – Mayor Cory A. Booker and Acting Director of Child and Family Well-Being L’Tanya Williamson today reminded Newark residents who own dogs that with the start of the new year they must purchase or renew licenses for them, and that applications for licenses are available in Room B-17, at City Hall, Mondays through Fridays, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Applicants for dog licenses must present the dog’s or dogs’ certificates of vaccination when they apply for the license. The fee for dog licenses for spayed or neutered dogs is $8.20. The fee for dogs that are not spayed or neutered is $11.20. In 2009, the City issued 799 dog licenses. In 2010, it issued 767. Last year, the City issued 791 dog licenses.


“Dog licenses are a means to ensure that Newark residents who own dogs keep them licensed, with their vaccinations up-to-date, to help keep our City safe,” Mayor Booker said. “Additionally, licenses also help protect dogs when they get lost, enabling them to be returned to their owners. Let’s give our canine companions the love they deserve, by purchasing the licenses they require.”


Under Municipal Ordinances, anyone who owns a dog in the City of Newark must have a license. Each license comes with a metal tag that can be attached to the dog’s collar. Violations can result in fines of up to $50.00 in Newark Municipal Court.


Acting Director Williamson noted the importance of keeping dogs leashed when being walked, and reminded residents that dog ownership comes with responsibilities. “Too many dogs who arrive as beloved pets ultimately become victims of neglect or abandonment,” she said. “Animal shelters and rescue organizations are filled with dogs that have been abandoned. Residents should not take up dog ownership unless they are prepared for the responsibility, and I urge them to support our shelters by adopting these dogs who need loving homes.”


The first license issued in 2012 went for the third straight year to Monster, a mixed-breed Labrador cross, owned by Kathy Muraca, a North Ward Public Schools crossing guard. Ms. Muraca purchased her dog from the Associated Humane Society of Newark’s shelter on Evergreen Avenue.
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Under Municipal Ordinance 6:1-12, anyone owning or controlling a dog must remove waste left by that dog on all sidewalks, gutters, streets, or other public areas. Waste must be either flushed in a toilet or placed in a non-leaking container (such as a plastic bag) and then placed in the trash. Violations can result in fines up to $500 in Newark Municipal Court.


Dog waste contains a number of parasites, including roundworm, which can make people very sick. These and other parasites pass through dog waste, and can linger in the soil for years. Children are at greater risk of infections because they play in soil where these parasites are found. Adults who use wheelchairs or just sit on the ground at the park are also at risk.


For more information on dog licenses, the “Scoop the Poop” campaign, and all other municipal policies and programs, contact the City of Newark’s Non-Emergency Call Center at (973) 733-4311.




Contact:         Press Information Office – (973) 733-8004

                        Email: Pressoffice@ci.newark.nj.us


About the City of Newark, New Jersey

Newark, commonly referred to as Brick City, is the third oldest city in the United States and the largest in New Jersey, with a population of more than 280,000 people. Newark sits on one of the nation’s largest transportation super-structures including an international airport, major commuter and freight rail lines, major highway intersections and the busiest seaport on the east coast.


With a new Administration as of July 2006, Newark continues to see signs of a strong revival. Its population showed growth in the most recent census. Its six major colleges and universities are further expanding their presence. The rate of production of affordable housing has doubled, and new businesses are moving in. There is still much work to be done but Newark is on its way to achieving its mission: to set a national standard for urban transformation.


For more information on the City of Newark, please visit our website at www.ci.newark.nj.us


Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/cityofnewarknj

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/renew-your-dog-licenses-for-2012-in-room-b-17-at-city-hall/

Jan 06



Since its formation in 2007, Brick City Development Corporation has provided over $13 million dollars in loans and financial support to a variety of businesses and projects in Newark;

CDFI certification will expand BCDC’s capacity to provide credit, capital, and financial services


Newark, NJ – January 4, 2012 – Mayor Cory A. Booker, Deputy Mayor for Economic and Housing Development and Brick City Development Corporation (BCDC) Chairman Adam Zipkin, and BCDC CEO Lyneir Richardson announced today that the City’s economic catalyst engine Brick City Development Corporation (BCDC) has been certified by the U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). 


R20;This is an important designation that will allow BCDC to be even more impactful in fostering economic investment and business growth in Newark. The designation of BCDC as a CDFI will provide those organizations and businesses investing in Newark with greater access to capital, which is vital to business growth, reinvestment in our neighborhoods, and job creation,” said Mayor Booker.


Deputy Mayor Zipkin said, “What this designation really means is more capital and funding making its way into the hands of Newark small business owners. As a Community Development Financial Institution, BCDC will be able to lend more and foster NewarkR17;s next generation of homegrown entrepreneurs.”


The U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund is the only agency that administers the CDFI program. CDFIs invest in and build the capacity of community-based, private, for-profit and non-profit financial institutions with a primary mission of community development in economically distressed communities. These institutions – certified by the CDFI Fund as Community Development Financial Institutions or CDFIs – are able to respond to gaps in local markets that traditional financial institutions are not adequately serving. CDFIs provide critically needed capital, credit, and other financial products in addition to technical assistance to community residents and businesses, service providers, and developers working to meet community needs. In FY 2010 alone, Community Development Financial Institutions:

  • Created or maintained 25,000 jobs
  • Financed 5,200 businesses
  • Opened 6,500 bank accounts for the previously unbanked
  • Provided 177,000 individuals with financial literacy training

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“The federal designation of BCDC as a CDFI challenges us to go to the next level as an economic development organization,” said BCDC CEO Richardson. “This designation enhances our lending capacity.  We will seek strategic partnerships with investment firms, large corporations, and banks to leverage these funds and make more business loans in Newark.R21;


Mainstream banks, such as TD Bank, Bank of America, Chase, and Citibank, invest in CDFIs for relending and also receive CRA credits for their participation.  One of the reasons that banks invest in CDFIs is that local lending teams often have better knowledge of local market economics and individual borrowers’ capacity.  Many notable CDFIs operate throughout the U.S. and have underwritten billions of dollars worth of investment in small businesses, housing development, and commercial redevelopment projects.  CDFIs in communities such as Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, and Philadelphia have leveraged CDFI investments to help catalyze major reinvestment and economic growth in those cities.


R20;During the last two years, BCDC has focused on improving its lending policies and procedures, put a loan and investment committee in place, and brought more professionalism to our lending approach,” said Richardson.  Since its formation in 2007, Brick City Development Corporation has provided over $13 million dollars in loans and financial support to a variety of businesses and projects in Newark.  For example, BCDC has funded over $3 million in the development of two new hotels, $2 million for a new grocery store, $2 million in neighborhood retail, and $1.3 million for new restaurants in Newark’s downtown.  Minority owned businesses have received over 32% of BCDC loans. 


Since its creation in 1994, the CDFI Fund has made more than $1.4 billion in awards to CDFIs.  Recipients of CDFI Fund awards have had a tangible impact in the low-income communities they serve. As of October, 2011, there were 964 certified CDFIs. For more information about the CDFI Fund and its programs, please visit the Fund’s website at: http://www.cdfifund.gov.


For more information about any City of Newark program or policy, contact the Non-Emergency Call Center at (973) 733-4311.


CONTACT:     Press Information Office – (973) 733-8004

E-mail: Pressoffice@ci.newark.nj.us

                       Brick City Development Corporation – (973) 273-1040

Community Development Financial Institutions Fund: Bill Luecht – (202) 622-8042
Email: LuechtW@cdfi.treas.gov






For more information on the City of Newark, please visit our website at www.ci.newark.nj.us



About the City of Newark, New Jersey

Newark, commonly referred to as Brick City, is the third oldest city in the United States and the largest in New Jersey, with a population of more than 280,000 people. Newark sits on one of the nation’s largest transportation super-structures including an international airport, major commuter and freight rail lines, major highway intersections and the busiest seaport on the east coast.


With a new Administration as of July 2006, Newark continues to see signs of a strong revival. Its population showed growth in the most recent census. Its six major colleges and universities are further expanding their presence. The rate of production of affordable housing has doubled, and new businesses are moving in. There is still much work to be done but Newark is on its way to achieving its mission: to set a national standard for urban transformation.


About Brick City Development Corporation


Brick City Development Corporation (BCDC) is the primary economic development catalyst for Newark, New Jersey, organized to retain, attract and grow businesses, enhance small and minority business capacity, and spur real estate development within the city.


BCDC initiates and executes economic development activities to produce and sustain economic growth, generate jobs and create wealth for the citizens of Newark. Our team serves as advocates within the City’s municipal structure and provides a hands-on client management approach.  For more information on Brick City Development Corporation, please visit our website at www.bcdcnewark.org



For more information on the City of Newark, please visit our website at www.ci.newark.nj.us


Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/cityofnewarknj

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/mayor-booker-announces-brick-city-development-corporation-bcdc-has-earned-designation-from-the-u-s-treasury-department-as-a-community-development-financial-institution-cdfi/

Jan 06


For Immediate Release




Landlords must provide tenants with heat through May 1, 2012;

City inspectors will respond to tenants’ complaints of no heat or hot water


Newark, NJ – January 3, 2012 – Mayor Cory A. Booker and Director of Neighborhood and Recreational Services Tharien Karim Arnold reminded Newark residents today that with temperatures expected to drop tonight to as low as 14 degrees, landlords in Newark are required by municipal ordinance to maintain homes at 68 degrees between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m., and at 65 degrees from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Heat must be maintained in apartments now through May 1, 2012.


“Maintaining public safety in Newark also means providing residents with sufficient heat in winter,” said Mayor Booker. “Landlords have a moral and legal obligation to provide heat to their tenants and I urge them to follow city laws.”


Failure to supply heat at the minimum of 68 degrees can result in legal action in Newark Municipal Court. Fines on landlords can exceed $1,000 per-day for each day until the heat is fully restored.


Tenants residing in apartments without heat, without running hot water, or have had their utilities shut off can call the City of Newark’s Non-Emergency Call Center at (973) 733-4311, Mondays to Fridays, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. After 7 p.m., or on weekends and holidays, please contact the “No Heat Hotline” at (973) 733-6471.


“Most of our landlords follow the law and provide residents with heat during the winter months,” Acting Director Arnold said. “However, some landlords are unable or unwilling to do so, and the Department of Neighborhood and Recreational Services will hold those landlords accountable who fail to heat apartments, and protect our residents.”


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Anyone with questions about the City’s no-heat ordinances or any other Newark municipal policy or program can contact the Newark Non-Emergency Call Center at (973) 733-4311.




Contact:          Newark Press Information Office: (973) 733-8004.

                        E-mail: pressoffice@ci.newark.nj.us


About the City of Newark, New Jersey

Newark, commonly referred to as Brick City, is the third oldest city in the United States and the largest in New Jersey, with a population of more than 280,000 people. Newark sits on one of the nation’s largest transportation super-structures including an international airport, major commuter and freight rail lines, major highway intersections and the busiest seaport on the east coast.


With a new Administration as of July 2006, Newark continues to see signs of a strong revival. Its population showed growth in the most recent census. Its six major colleges and universities are further expanding their presence. The rate of production of affordable housing has doubled, and new businesses are moving in. There is still much work to be done but Newark is on its way to achieving its mission: to set a national standard for urban transformation.


For more information on the City of Newark, please visit our website at www.ci.newark.nj.us


Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/cityofnewarknj

Permanent link to this article: http://www.palmstreetblockassociation.org/2012/01/06/landlords-must-keep-apartments-at-65-degrees-from-11-p-m-to-6-a-m/

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